Don't be afriad! The mercy of Christ is endless. Jesus died for our sins. Christ himself instituted the mystery of the Sacrament of Confession, which we hear about in the Gospel. After his resurrection Jesus breathed on his first priests and gave them the gift of the Holy Spirit to forgive sin.
We bring our sorrow to Christ and firm intention to try to do better and certainly, any serious sin should be confessed as soon as possible. The priest imposes a simple penance, which does not pay for the sin, but is a symbol of our contrition and helps our soul and our will to conform to what God desires.
The graces of Confession include: forgiveness, mercy, total remission of the punishment of mortal sin, and partial remission of smaller sins. Confession should be celebrated regularly and frequently. The more regular we go the more joyful and more free we become.
Confessions are heard at Nativity every Saturday at 4:30 PM and daily after the daily mass (Monday - Friday). At daily Mass, please ask the celebrant to hear your confession.